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Be a champion today!
Experience the thrills of a professional tennis career in the sport manager and simulation game Tennis Mania. Play against challenging opponents who will not only test your reflexes, but also your strategic thinking! Trick them with a sneaky drop shot! Intimidate them by charging to the net and playing up close and personal! Stun them with an ace, fast as a speeding bullet! The choices are yours to make!
Advance through levels, unlock new facilities, train up your attributes, collect more powerful equipment… with all that, you will become a renowned tennis star in no time. Attend tournaments all over the world including the majors in Australia, France, England and the US for the ultimate challenge.
Lucha por ser una estrella del tenis!
Forehands, backhands, serve and volley - master all of the tennis strokes in this exciting tennis game. Learn how to play on hard courts, clay and grass to win the biggest tennis tournaments. Become a member of a club and help building the biggest tennis center in the world. Tennis Mania is easy to learn, but hard to quit.
  • Action-packed tennis matches on three different surfaces (grass, clay, hardcourt)
  • Wide array of strokes to utilize (forehand, backhand, serve, volley and more)
  • Career mode with a story
  • Diverse minigames that will test your knowledge and skills
  • RPG elements
  • Clubs and club competitions against real players
General rules of Tennis Mania
  • estas reglas son obligatorias para todos los jugadores
  • el desconocimiento de las reglas no será tomado como excusa
  • los administradores del juego tienen el derecho de decidir si alguien está incumpliendo las reglas o no
  • la forma y dureza de la sanción por incumplir las reglas será establecida por el administrador del juego
  • el castigo mas grave por no respetar las reglas es la expulsión del juego y el bloqueo de la dirección IP para nuevos registros en el juego
  • toda situación no contemplada en estas reglas será juzgada y resuelta de manera individual por los administradores
  • En el caso de cualquier ambigüedad o inconsistencia en el contenido o interpretación de las versiones en diferentes idiomas, la versión eslovaca será considerada la única válida y definitiva.

  • Game rules
    Está prohibido:
  • donar tu cuenta a otro usuario
  • Conectarse con la cuenta de otra persona o tan siquiera intentarlo
  • to give your password to another user and thus enable him/her to log into your account
  • to transfer in-game finances in any way with the purpose of providing an advantage for a user, carried out by one or more users
  • hacer trampas de cualquier modo, intentar conseguir la contraseña de otro usuario o intentar dañar el juego de otros usuarios de cualquier manera posible
  • aprovecharse de cualquier error o defecto del juego o de las reglas
  • crear, usar o distribuir aplicaciones (o navegar por ciertas páginas) que automaticen algunas partes del juego, a menos que hayan sido aprobadas por los creadores del juego
  • tratar de obtener o enviar información que no esté expuesta explícitamente en las páginas
  • tratar de robar o sabotear los bienes de PowerPlay Manager LTD o animar a otra persona a que lo haga
  • to promote or otherwise advertise other online games (it is possible to give an exception after agreement with
  • to post spam by mail - by sending unrequested mails (such as advertising)
  • to post threatening, insulting or degrading messages or texts on the game pages or in mail
  • to insult, threaten or defame any user of the game on the game pages or in mail
  • to publish messages on the pages of the game or in mails which break the law or advertise crimes
  • to encourage other users to do things which are in violation of the rules of the game
  • usar un nombre de usuario vulgar o repulsivo
  • to put texts, pictures or other elements into the game without the permission of the copyright owner
  • to put texts, pictures or other elements into the game the content of which may offend other users
  • promocionar otras webs o productos de cualquier forma sin el consentimiento de los administradores del juego
  • to cheat in any way with the purpose of gaining referrals, including encouraging people with no intention of playing the game to create an account with the purpose of gaining a referral
  • to abuse the option to report inappropriate posts in chat
  • to talk about politics or religion in chat
  • to post any kind of advertising in chat
  • to use Caps Lock in chat
  • to spam in chat